Introduction of Kaizen Advantage To be happy, to make others around them happy, to live life to its fullest. These are the top three reasons we seek to continually improve in life. Without happiness, smiling faces around us, and living life to the fullest, what type of life would we live? Today, I would like to introduce you to a little something called kaizen – many of you may have heard of this before, but to some, this may be a foreign word. Simply put, it is a Japanese management strategy that can be incorporated into all areas of your life, from work situations to personal life issues and the management thereof. Roughly translated, it means; “Continuous slow improvement or good change.”Kaizen is the philosophy of using small steps, or contributions, that work towards a big change, or ‘big picture. It focuses on you and me, the individuals that form part of a small business, corporation, and even a country. It encompasses the little things that can be changed by each one of us, on
The Last Piece of the Puzzle – Diet Finally, you need to think about the final piece of the puzzle: the diet. Because whether you’re working out at home or in the gym, your diet is one of the MOST important factors for ensuring the maximum benefit from your training. Likewise, diet is crucial whether you want to lose weight or build muscle – though the strategy will change. Calories VS Carbs Unfortunately though, while diet is the same no matter where you’re training, it’s also not all that simple. Specifically, there is a lot of argument regarding diet, and views on the matter can broadly be split into two camps. On the one hand, you have the group that claims ‘a a calorie is a calorie. Their belief is that the only factor that matters when it comes to losing weight is the number of calories coming in and the number of calories going out. If you track all your calories, you then simply have to make sure that you burn off more than you consume and you’ll lose weight. This makes sense,
Benefits of Exercise for Mental Health Exercising regularly has a range of benefits for your mental health. Not only does the actual act of participating in physical activity release endorphins to your brain which will make you feel happier, calmer and help you to clear your mind, it can also help in a range of other ways. Since exercising regularly can help to improve your physical appearance due to muscles which are stronger and more toned and perhaps weight loss, this can help to give your self-esteem a boost, resulting in increased levels of self-confidence which in turn can have an effect on your stress levels. Along with that, exercise is important for keeping you in good physical health. Studies have shown that regular exercise can help to prevent diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, and even some cancers. Since poor physical health can be one of the biggest causes of feeling stressed or at the very least contribute to increasing anxiety levels in stressful situatio